
Share your Experience

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I want to share my experiences concerning the following city: *
I lived there for: *
My language level in the language spoken there: *
My experiences are most relevant for people of the age-group(s): *
My highest completed education level is: *
During my time there I had: *
People there mainly saw me as (e.g. a white person, Muslim, etc.): *
People also counted me as (enter a second relevant group you were associated with):
Are you a disabled person? *
I was perceived as: *
I identify as: *


I had full access to education (e.g. school, university) *
Colleagues treat you fairly and professionally *
My job success (salary, promotion) there was fair *

Everyday life

Finding a place to live (e.g. room, apartment, house) was relatively easy *
Neighbours there generally treat you friendly *
Service staff there generally treats you fairly *
Infrastructure allowed me to have easy and safe access to buildings, parks and other places I wanted to go *
You will be allowed to buy all services/goods you want *
I generally felt free and safe from attacks, insults, harrassment or robbery in the city *
You will generally be allowed to enter bars/nightclubs *
Police there treats you fairly and professionally *


Finding a romantic partner in this city is relatively easy *
Finding a friend in this city is relatively easy *
For your children it will be relatively easy to fit into society (e.g. finding friends, joining clubs etc.) *


My overall recommendation for someone like me:
My advice for someone like me in this city
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