Name, Lizenz, wikipedia


Welcome :)

Here are some words about the city scan project:

This initiative aims to provide you with more transparency on how it is to be in a particular city with regard to your ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and abilities.

The goal is that we can get some insights on what to expect in terms of:

This initiative is free to use for everyone. It is also fully independent, because I run & finance using my own time & resources and people like you provide the data (you are more than welcome to contribute via the questionnaire linked on this site).

Why am I doing this?

As a black man growing up in Europe, going to new places was always a concern. From being cussed out by strangers to being turned down by landlords on first glance: there are so many unpleasant surprises lurking.

However, some places are safer than others, which is why I often spent hours researching the internet for credible accounts on how it is to be in a certain city. Data quality was poor and I wished for a website, where people with my demographics gave there honest opinion.

And this is what the cityscanproject is trying to achieve. Not just for me, but for everyone, because I know that so many people have my problem in another version. You might be a woman wondering how much harassment other females are exposed to; a guy in a wheelchair unsure how mobile the infrastructure allows you to be. There are so many things that would be good to know before booking your ticket and this project is trying to help you out with it...

Of course, all of this isn't perfect and I acknowledge I'm not a professional nor an expert in the field. So please don't hesitate to send me your feedback, questions, comments via In the meantime, I hope this is still useful for some people :).

BR Jonas